During the few times when I used Microsoft Word, I had a bit of a rough time at first, but then, it was better for me later on. When I used Microsoft Word when I was in elementary school, I didn't like having to manually save my document every time I edited it. I hadn't use it or even tried to use it ever since until back in high school, where I tried to access documents that were stuck in Microsoft Word, but I was unable to do anything because I didn't have a Microsoft account nor paid for the subscription. It wasn't until I was in college when the school gave it to me as part of having a Microsoft account and had to use it for certain classes and assignments when I finally got the hang of using Word. That being said, I still prefer to use Google Docs. I prefer this over Word because it's much more accessible. I don't have to worry about manually saving things to my computer, I don't have to pay for it, and it comes automatically when making a Google account.
The standard for Educators that is most meaningful for me was the Learner standard. While I don't have many questions for the standard, I will admit that I admire the different aspects the standard wishes to cover. I appreciate how educators wish to improve their practice and are willing to set professional goals. I also like how educators are willing to update their research to their current state so that their teachings don't become outdated.
Me personally, I only somewhat agree with the label "digital native". While I agree that I am a digital native, I believe that it is also because I learned about technology during a time I was receiving regular education. I do see a difference between me and my teachers use technology, as they would struggle with operating something if its sole wasn't for school resources. This resulted in me figuring out how to work things out on my own.
Hello Matthew! I had a very similar experience to you when it came to using Word and I typically identify as a "digital native." Although, I don't necessarily agree with the phrase, I think it does hold some value.